Buyer Beware: Our Experience with an Asko Dishwasher from Trail Appliances

When you purchase a new appliance, you expect reliability, functionality, and customer support that matches the promises made at the time of sale. Unfortunately, our experience with an Asko dishwasher from Trail Appliances has been the complete opposite. If you’re considering an Asko dishwasher or buying from Trail Appliances, I hope our story serves as […]

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Moving SUCKS

I do not enjoy moving, and our townhouse feels empty. It feels, hollow. When we moved into our townhouse, it was the fifth time in three years. This does not include the times when we had to move the office for the company, and I had enough at that point. 8-1/2 years later, and we […]

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A Blank Page

First, you start with a blank page. That’s where you begin. Then, you start pressing keys. As you type, the cursor moves across the screen. But, does what you write make sense? Is it cohesive? So, you go back and review what has been said. Does it deliver a message? How, is it that we […]

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A Great Dinner

Last night was our annual company Christmas party.  It was a great meal partnered with matching conversation with many.  I always look forward to the event, which I always hope everyone enjoys.  This year saw 38 attendees, including guests, and I think it was a very perfect size all said and done. This year we […]

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