Concentration is Lacking

I have sat down yesterday, and today, with the intention of writing a blog entry with my thoughts regarding Apple’s recent court case vs. the FBI. Each time, I have become distracted and ended up working on cleaning and organizing the home office. So, at the end of the day, I’m being productive. And now, […]

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The First Day of Sunny Summer

Yesterday was a gorgeous day, the sun really came out and shone it’s rays down upon us. I spent part of the afternoon at Starbucks outside, talking with one of my coworkers. And I got a sunburn… What else is there for me to say..?? Well, considering that I need to leave the house inside […]

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W T F . . . .

Dear Diary, I hate myself today, for what I have done and who I became earlier today. I have come to the conclusion, that my expectations are unreasonable. It must just be that simple… If it isn’t, I do not have a rational or logical explanation for the chain of events that have unfolded recently, […]

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Time can pass, and yet things remain same

I have a fairly large extended family. Both of my parents were 1 of 6, and the lines on both side branch out progressively from there. A couple cousin’s of mine were in town this past week visiting with family, which resulted in a small get together yesterday evening at my aunt’s place. Unfortunately Heather […]

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